--:: Tan Xiang Zhou ::--

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Went for grooming course today.
It was enjoyable especially to find out which stuffs will makes you attractive since people only recognize outer shine nowadays.And I even had mask during lesson...the effect is so cooling after the scrub.Anyway, I had ordered the scrub(from Jill Lowe) since blackheads is my main concern.With make-up...applied during lesson.Cam-whoring with make-up...took super to make-up.The strand of hair just spoiled it.Met up boyfriend afterward to collect our jeans.
Looked as if something was behind me but that's just my reflection.
Was told my hair color don't suit me...made me look darker :(
Unable to change since I just dye 1 month ago.

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=BeAutIful FrIghter=
fights till the end...@ 11:02 PM

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I almost cannot wake up today.
Woke up at 5.30am...and I didn't even packed my bag.
I managed to leave house in 15 minutes time.
So proud of myself.
And there is actually thief in my department.
Left my locker key in the department and my locker was being "tidy" by someone.
Two bottles of body shop body mist were lost.
Hope that lucky chap got allergic reaction all thanks to my body mist.
I really hate thief.
From young till now, always being bully as things get stolen.
Body shop body mist only!That's only show you are so cheap that you are eyeing for it.
Maybe that lucky chap has super bad BO...so I doing a kind deed and it's another reason for me to buy new products.
I am not pissed because of the lost items is just that I had work so hard to get them and you are eyeing my harvest.
That's irritates me like hell.
Anyway, work is smooth except for passing report time.
And one patient actually asked for my number.
I just find amused...seriously...
An once ugly duckling will also have people interested in it.
I wondered how will they react to me if they meet the younger of me.
By the way, both my love one had actually saw the ugly side of me.

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=BeAutIful FrIghter=
fights till the end...@ 6:55 PM

I really hate traffic jam.
Because of it, I rushed to work my top flowery stub dropped.
And because of this, I removed my stub and my belly hole is gone forever!!!!!!!!!
But that didn't spoil my mood...
Work is managed well today.Smooth...
And I get to see big diamond ring today at work today :)
Boyfriend surprised me again!
He called me when I was to bath.He act blur by asking me did I call him.I replied no and asked him where is he and the answer is home.
The next moment he called again saying he was a my department's reception.
And he acted again by saying he was carried his dumbbells and weight gainer to camp.And I offered my help to help him carried his weight gainer, he passed the GNC bag to me.


Thank you!You really surprised me!
So far, I only received two bouquet of flowers in life.Each one from each love.All provided me a sweet, sweet memory.
I don't want to hear any explanation since it won't change the fact.
Let it be & let it go.

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=BeAutIful FrIghter=
fights till the end...@ 1:22 AM

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine day is not for me.I am working afternoon shift!
Anyway, I suppose I celebrate my valentine on 13th the Friday.
Went to meet Boyfriend after work.
Mean to give him a big surprise by buying Smackdown 2009 for him,
he already had one already!
Rushed back to Yishun to change since no good movie timing too.
Luckily, I was able to change a new PSP game for him.
Settled my dinner at Ishi Mura...ordered the hot pot or something similar??? taste average;not really fantasize me.He opened the DKNY brief I bought for him...very big and he said he will wear it to sleep.
Went to get Levis jean afterward since promotion of 2 for 199.90.He paid...as valentine gift.Actually I do have one Levis but that one is a very old model that I bought from some second hand shop at Hongkong; given away.
Shopped and end our day at library.
And...we didn't took any photos.-_-"'
Oh, by the way, he actually want to get me a blue rose after he saw the price is $5.I rejected and HE REALLY NEVER BUY FOR ME!!!
Flash back time....
I transferred a case to another hospital during one of my night.It is a one-hour journey and I got to see beautiful scene when getting back.This is the best I can get...It really look like diamond ring.How I wish Boyfriend has a car so he can bring me to see beautiful things.My new swimming coach.He said he looked like boss.
And guess what?
My goggles break into two before I touched the water.Had to swim as if I am blind.On the way to Jin long's birthday.Latest glasses trend.Minglong,Kelvin, has no phototaking skills so I had to edit the pictures.Reminded of this guy called Melvin..same category.

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=BeAutIful FrIghter=
fights till the end...@ 2:59 AM

Saturday, February 07, 2009

And I spilled Kaolin mixture today...
After much hesitation,I decided to buy a digital camera.
Please tell me you come in purple at the moment I want you.
I am on night tomorrow but I will still turned up for Mr Seah's party.
Hey Seah, remember what you ok!


=BeAutIful FrIghter=
fights till the end...@ 1:19 AM

Thursday, February 05, 2009

You want coffee, tea or me?
Yes, you can say "me" as I am a milo girl.
I was being splashed with milo by my patient.
Other than that, I may has a high risk of pneumonia.
This patient of mine was splitting everywhere from the moment he entered my department. I was so scare he will split at when I was putting a wrist tag.

=BeAutIful FrIghter=
fights till the end...@ 11:44 PM

I promised to upload photos!
With Ms glutton.Thanks for the everything...from to searching, booking, paying...And at Mr kingley's party.

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=BeAutIful FrIghter=
fights till the end...@ 1:08 AM

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Yesterday was kat's birthday.
Happy birthday, you're older by one...I am still 20*grin*
Anyway, my start of the day(I meant yesterday) was a call from ms glutton.Thanks for the "morning call"...I was shocked to awake.
Washed and rushed to Chinatown to meet her.We were hunting for tour packages, comparing and selecting the one that best meet our requirement.
Where are we going?
I am not telling...
Went Vivocity afterward to get kat's present.In the end, I got presents for my mum, boyfriend as well as hers.
Settled dinner at sushi-tei since ms glutton unable to swallow well.Photos will be uploaded once she sent it to me.
Rushed back to Yishun to meet my beloved nss gang.The thick peanut butter is so fulling.Please call 999 if you seen any suspicious-looking person. She wished for twice...so greedy...Cutting of cake.Oops, the knife is abit transparent.Last but least, a group photo to end the day.
I want to learn alot of thing.
I want learn to be a professional A&E nurse.
I want to learn play pool.
I want to learn bowling.
I want to learn to swim 200 metre in order to learn diving...

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=BeAutIful FrIghter=
fights till the end...@ 11:47 AM

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

I am at my ben ben de's house now. 
Before that, went to get some daily necessaries. 
And I got myself a pair of shoes for $6. Before chinese new year, I think it cost like triple the price.
Must arrange my hair to take photos.
We exchanged christmas present. 
See, so long never meet each other.
She said I very impatient.
Quite true sometimes; especially toward her=)


=BeAutIful FrIghter=
fights till the end...@ 1:00 AM

Monday, February 02, 2009

Hi, this is DJ JOY...
Oh, it's just a introduction to my new entry.
Anyway, went to Kingley's birthday party yesterday.
Felt uneasy due to so many unfamiliar faces...familiar faces also not that close like bread and butter.
But most importantly, birthday boy enjoyed himself is the top priority.
And I realized people do know me even I am low profile.
Thanks 姐妹 for 疼疼!
And today...bus break down when I go to work today.
Took the 3rd bus...though bus ride is free but still think the bus service should improve.
Luckily, this is a nearly incident.
Work is sometimes so challenging...
Take for example yesterday...there are 3 resus /standby case!
just when I was so happy that the afternoon staffs is coming to take over,
another stand-by case!
And I had been sending patients for CT scan...kinda like CT scan porter.
The most interesting part is that one of the patient actually had lot of secretion and had to do suctioning.
It may sound a bit simple but it is never expected to do suction in X-ray department in my nursing life.
After work, I did my usual style- went to meet my zhu boyfriend.And I was welcomed by Kelly when I reached his house.
It is amazing that kelly baby still remember me.
She has a haircut and she looked so cute with her hair being tight up.I got varicose veins as seen above.Boyfriend's artwork.
I really hope the government will look into the welfare of health care worker.
Got to go and get some cream to remove them.

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=BeAutIful FrIghter=
fights till the end...@ 1:29 AM
!t's RoYAL clOwN
=Tan Xiang Zhou=xJoYz=
=4 JulY 1988=
PXPS(1995-2000),NSS(2001-04),nYP's nurs!nG(2005-2008)
fuJ! flYer d!stribUtoR(2004),cofFeEbEaN bArisTa(2004-05),sPeC flYeR d!stRiButOR(2005),Tradebiz ProMotoR(2005-06),ISEP worker(Oct 2006),Dynamic Asia(APr-Jun 2007),M!nt Cafe(2007),G!nZa PuB(2008),Alexhealth(2008-)

*endless fun & lauGther tHroUGhouT l!fE
*a hApPY fAm!LY
*aBi!l!tY tO sUPPoRt mY PaRenTs
*pReFeCt rEsUlT
*mOneY throuGh earn!nG & sav!nG
*furtheR stUdY cUm tra!n!nG (free?)
*bEcMinG haPPY w!fe & have a understanD!nG man
Craved for
*LV baG
*DeGree !n nurs!nG
*seW!nG mAch!ne
*a rOmAntIc trAvell!nG with mY rEaL mAN
*overSea shoPP!nG annualLY

look!ng back Past
January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 September 2010 November 2010 March 2011 April 2011 August 2011
